Aktivita 2022‑03‑22
Winter 2021 USAPopis
Shockers at Invaders FClost 6:9, me 1 goal
big home pre-workout including Tabata!
It was a late 10:25 pm game, but it was actually postponed by around 30 minutes. I came a bit tired after a big pre-workout and totally cooled down before the game. That was no good, so when we started to play, I was slow, lazy, and my legs were heavy. I did not play well, but I fought hard and tried my best. I had around 6-7 very good shots, but all of them were very close to the net, or the goalie just watched those (almost all shots are on video). In the second half, I scored one goal from the angle after the goalie blocked my shot and I tried the second attempt.Lessons learned:
- a lot of water in the morning and during the day (Arizona)
- keep warmed up before the game (if possible)
- no hard core pre-workouts (or skip if you are in workout strike, like I was since after Sunday/Monday)