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Aktivita 2022‑10‑23






FC Sambita - Phoenix FC 2:1 (2:0)
Harvest Cup 2022 - quarterfinals - field 5

In the morning I was in the Church so I missed the third group stage game. In the afternoon there were quarterfinals, Oscar specifically asked me to come, so I could not say no.


I felt good!! Well, except for blisters:) My legs were light, so I ran like crazy. I do not remember all the chances I had, but one header I made could be a goal only if that would go into the net.

Erick played smart in the box and hit the defender's hand, so we got a penalty. Oscar scored from the penalty. Then Erick with Alberto made a pass behind the defense, I ran behind the offside line, and scored the goal. When returning back to my half, some viewers asked me where I play, so I told them I just came from Europe.

The second half was a bit suffering. I was part of the reason for this because I got a red card. Here is what happened: some guy started to fight Kelly, so the referee interrupted the game. She took away the ball from me, which I had under possession at the time. Not only she did not give any yellow card to anyone, but she also gave them the ball, which we should have. That pissed me off, so I started clapping my hands above the head. So I got a yellow card. When you get a yellow card, you need to leave the field for 5 minutes. As I was walking away, I was still clapping, so she changed that to a red card. I have not seen this card, because it all happened behind my back.

That was game over for me. Since that moment we were one player short and played only defense. We got only one goal, so we won the game! After the game, I came to apologize to the referees. The red card was changed to the yellow one, so I can play in the semifinals tomorrow.