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Aktivita 2022‑11‑12






Pass Mountain 5K Trail Race
(5.9 kilometers trail run)

They had more races: 5K, 10K, 25K, 50K, and 50 miles. I subscribed to the least catabolic one -- 5K:) And it was a nice third place on the podium!

But the fact is that if some of the 10K racers will go on 5K, they will be likely faster than us:) Well, it is what it is, but I do not win running races every day, so I quite enjoyed that day!

Resources: Results | Video | Photos


The deadline for registration was 11/7, but yesterday I drove to Aravaipa Running HQ and registered right there. On the other day, early morning 5:30 AM wakeup, good breakfast, and journey to Mesa, AZ. Big traffic jam in front of the park ($7 admission fee), but luckily I made it on time and also they moved the start by like 10 minutes.

Right upon the start I followed Sam Lev and we went fast. I did not know how fast, because my Strava was showing me the pace in miles:) But it turned out we went with a pace of 3:30/km!! After 2km I let him go, but I was still in the comfortable 2nd place and there was no one behind me.

When I was approaching 5km and the finish was still long away, I started to feel a bit miserable. I know how long is the 5KM because that is exactly the Utopia Run I do regularly, last time on 2022-03-29. This course turned out to be 5.9km, so no wonder I was suffering the last kilometer.

A group of two guys and one girl approached me, so I purposely slowed down and prepared for the final battle. Enzo had the most energy and ended up 2nd, and I ended up 3rd, beating up two behind me.