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Aktivita 2023‑07‑30






Third early Sunday pickup game

No vest, because very tired after yesterday's workout and not getting enough sleep.

Again with new Nike Mercurial Zoom cleats


I came late and the guys were already playing, but it was still 0:0. Big attendance this week. I met Aki and Mike after a long time. Charlie and Erick did not come.

We got the first goal, but we tied quickly. Then we got another and 1:2 was for a long time. Then I received the ball in the middle of the field, went around 2-3 players, and scored a goal. We were losing 3:4 again and I remember the 4:4 goal was quite controversial (offside or something).

Anyway, in addition to Chris and Jake, George also scored and at the last minute, I achieved my second goal after a good combination with George. Then sprinklers went on and the game was over.