Aktivita 2023‑12‑14
Winter 2023 USAPopis
Acceleration Training II.- regular upper body workout combined with acceleration
- acceleration/sprint exercises are marked with ** prefix
- more challenging training than on 2023-12-11
- but without a vest
warmup walk/runfull planks
12x pull-ups
** 60 rope
25x push-ups
** 100m sprint
12x chin-ups
** 5x sprints back-forth
1 round monkey
** 5x sprints back-forth with ball
20x leg raise
** 4x zig-zag sprint
10x pull-ups
** 4x zig-zag sprint with ball
25x push-ups
** 4x T-sprint
12x chin-ups
** 4x T-sprint with ball
1 round monkey (other direction)
** 100m sprint
20x leg raise
** 110 rope
hang 1:00