Aktivita 2024‑08‑04
Summer 2024 USAPopis
Sunday pickup game (0:5)Early Sunday pickup game
I was thinking about going to a 5K running race, but Scott invited me, so I instead went to play
This week, our team did not have a goalie. Scott was on the back with other guys, but the net was pretty empty. Inaudi used and abused it very well and scored from the middle distances. The halftime was 0:3, and he scored at least two of those goals.In the second half, I hoped for a turnaround or at least to score some goals. But it was the opposite, and we got two goals instead. I passed John a few really good passes to the 100% goal chances, but he missed. In this match, we will not score a goal even if we play until the next morning.
Summer 2024 USAPopis
15 laps (1x slow, 14x FS there and BS back)10 pull-ups before and 10 pull-ups after