Aktivita 2024‑08‑11
Summer 2024 USAPopis
Sunday pickup game (4:5)Early Sunday pickup game
After the night of sleep, my SI joint was slightly better. I was unsure if I would go to play, so I went for a 1.5km run and decided to go. On the field, I realized that football is not just running but also passing and especially shooting the ball.
I started slowly because of my painful SI joint. When I warmed up, I began to run faster and more. However, I got the known sharp pain on my first goal-chance shot. From that moment I decided to pass on the goals instead of shooting. And yes, I gave a few good passes, but we did not score. We lost half-time 0:2.Before the second half, Scott told me that he expected me to excel in the second half. Well, that is easy to say. But we finally scored the goal when I gave a millimeter pass to the Polish guys behind the defense. Because of so many good passes I gave, guys were making fun, and we scored one goal, and I have three assists already:) I scored two goals, after all. The second one was me against the goalie, but then I kicked the ball into the empty net, and sharp pain came again.
It was probably not a good idea to come today, but given the circumstances, I was happy with my performance.