Aktivita 2025‑01‑09
Winter 2024 USAPopis
Repeated TrainingIt was a hard day. I had six meetings. My Garmin stress level was 90, and I was not feeling well, so I had to take a bit of rest. But then I decided to go to the gym, and I had a great workout after all.
This was repeated 2024-12-09, which was based on 2024-11-26
warmup bike 10min (lvl 16/17/18/19 2:50 each)full planks
Street Workout
- 6 arms exercises
- 5 legs exercises
(the same as on 2024-12-28 - modified and with weights)
- 8 exercises (2 series each)
- this time, I skipped my favorite ReDe and PeFly so I could do other exercises
- in between: 3 series hamstring (115lbs)
- new exercise: Lying Barbell Tricep Extension (Skull Crusher)
hang 1min
(not happy with my monkey balls hang performance, so I switched back to see if I can still do the regular hang)